Representative Publications
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Gizem Arikan, and Allon Vishkin. 2021. Religion and Democratic Commitment: A Unifying Motivational Framework. Political Psychology 42(S1): 75-108. [Abstract] [Paper]
- Arikan, Gizem, and Eser Sekercioglu. 2019. Authoritarian Predispositions and Attitudes towards Redistribution. Political Psychology 40(5): 1099-1118. [Abstract] [Paper]
- Arikan, Gizem, and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2019. Religion and Political Protest: A Cross-Country Analysis. Comparative Political Studies 52(2): 246-276. [Abstract] [Paper] [Supplementary Materials] [Replication files]
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Gizem Arikan, and Marie Courtemanche. 2015. Religious Social Identity, Religious Belief, and Anti-Immigration Sentiment. American Political Science Review. 109(2): 203 – 221. [Abstract] [Paper] [Supplementary Materials]
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit and Gizem Arikan. 2013. Religion and Support for Democracy: A Cross-national Test of Mediating Mechanisms. British Journal of Political Science, 43(2): 375-397. [Abstract] [Paper] [Supplementary Materials]
- Summary of our research findings on the relationship between religion and democracy at LSE blogs can be found in this link.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Andersson, Per, Irina Vartanova, … Gizem Arikan, …, Kimmo Eriksson. 2024. Anger and Disgust Shape Judgments of Social Sanctions Across Cultures, Especially in High Individual Autonomy Societies. Scientific Reports 14: 5591. [Paper]
- Andrighetto, Giulia, Aron Szekely, … Gizem Arikan, … Kimmo Eriksson. 2024. Changes in Social Norms During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Across 43 Countries. Nature Communications 15: 1436. [Paper]
- Crepaz, Michele and Gizem Arikan. 2024. The Effects of Transparency Regulation on Political Trust and Perceived Corruption: Evidence from a Survey Experiment. Regulation & Governance 18(3): 896-913. [Paper]
- Arikan, Gizem and Oguzhan Turkoglu. 2024. Perceived Discrimination and Support for Democracy among Immigrants. Ethnic and Racial Studies 47(10): 2241-2265. [Abstract]
- Arikan, Gizem and Djordje Milosav. 2024. Integrating Research Methods Training into Elective Courses in an Undergraduate Curriculum. PS: Political Science & Politics 57(1): 113-118. [Paper] [Replication files]
- Arikan, Gizem. 2023. Sociotropic and Personal Threats and Authoritarian Reactions during Covid-19. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(3): 447-459. [Paper] [Supplementary Appendix]
- Gunay, Defne, and Gizem Arikan. 2022. The Public as an Audience for the Securitization of Climate Change: Facilitating Conditions at the Identification Stage. Journal of International Relations and Development 25: 635–656. [Abstract]
- Vishkin, Allon, Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, Gizem Arikan, and Jeremy Ginges. 2022. A Motivational Framework of Religion: Tying Together the Why and the How of Religion. European Journal of Social Psychology 52(3): 420-434. [Abstract]
- Arikan, Gizem, Gizem Melek, and Defne Gunay. 2021. Emotions in Climate Change Communication: An Experimental Investigation. European Journal of Communication Research 47(2): 307-317. [Abstract]
- Crepaz, Michele, and Gizem Arikan. 2021. Information Disclosure and Political Trust during the Covid-19 Crisis: Experimental Evidence from Ireland. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31(Sup1): 96-108. [Paper] [Supplementary Appendix]
- Covid-19 Special Issue
- Discussion of main findings at LSE Blogs
- Eriksson, Kimmo, Pontus Strimling, …, Gizem Arikan, … Paul van Lange. 2021. Perceptions of the Appropriate Response to Norm Violation in 57 Societies. Nature Communications 12:1481. [Paper]
- Arikan, Gizem, and Defne Gunay. 2021. Public Attitudes towards Climate Change: A Cross-country Analysis. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 23(1):158-174. [Abstract] [Paper]
- BJPIR’s most cited article in the 2020-2022 period
- Featured in BJPIR Editor’s Choice Collection: The Politics of Climate Emergency
- Shortlisted for the BJPIR John Peterson Best Article Award 2021
- Arikan, Gizem, and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2019. I was Hungry and You Gave Me Food: Religiosity and Attitudes towards Redistribution. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0214054. [Paper] [Replication files]
- Summary of major findings could be found in PsyPost.
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Gizem Arikan, and Gallya Lahav. 2015. The Effect of Perceived Cultural and Material Threats on Ethnic Preferences in Immigration Attitudes. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(10): 1760-1778. [Abstract]
- Arikan, Gizem and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2015. Social Values and Cross-National Differences in Attitudes towards Welfare. Political Studies 63(2): 431-448. [Abstract] [Paper] [Supplementary Materials]
- Arikan, Gizem and Eser Sekercioglu. 2014. Türkiye’de Muhafazakarlaşma: Kuşak Farkı Var Mı? (Rising Conservatism in Turkey: Is There a Generation Gap?) Alternatif Politika 6(1): 63-93. [Paper]
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Gizem Arikan, and Udi Sommer. 2014. Globalization, Threat and Religious Freedom. Political Studies 62(2): 273-291. [Paper]
- A summary and discussion of the article could be found in LSE Blogs.
- Sommer, Udi, Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, and Gizem Arikan. 2013. Does Faith Limit Immorality? The Politics of Religion and Corruption. Democratization, 20(2): 287-309. [Abstract] [Paper]
- Reprinted in Religion and Political Change in the Modern World, Jeffrey Haynes (Ed.). London: Routledge.
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit and Gizem Arikan. 2013. Priming Religious Belief and Religious Social Behaviour Affects Support for Democracy. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 25(3): 368-382. [Abstract]
- Arikan, Gizem. 2013. Values, Religiosity and Support for Redistribution and Social Policy in Turkey. Turkish Studies, 14(1): 34-52. [Abstract] [Paper]
- Reprinted in Political Psychology of Turkish Political Behavior, Cengiz Erisen (Ed.). London: Routledge.
- Arikan, Gizem and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2013. The Influence of Societal Values on Attitudes towards Immigration. International Political Science Review, 34(1): 210- 226. [Paper] [Supplementary Appendix]
- Arikan, Gizem. 2012. Attitudes towards the EU in Turkey: The Role of Perceived Threats and Benefits. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 17(3): 81-103. [Paper]
- Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit and Gizem Arikan. 2012. A Two-edged Sword: The Differential Effect of Religious Belief and Religious Social Context on Attitudes towards Democracy. Political Behavior, 34(2): 249-276. [Abstract] [Paper]
- Arikan, Gizem. 2011. Economic Individualism and Government Spending. World Values Research, 4(3): 73-95. [Paper]
- Sekercioglu, Eser and Gizem Arikan. 2008. Trends in Party System Indicators for the July 2007 Turkish Elections. Turkish Studies, 9 (2): 213-231. [Abstract] [Paper]
Book Chapters
- Arikan, Gizem, and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2022. Religious Identity Politics and Genuine Understanding of Democracy. In Ashley Weinberg (ed.), Psychology of Democracy: Of the People, By the People, For the People. Cambridge University Press, pp. 354-376.
- Arikan, Gizem and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2020. Democratic Norms and Religion. In P. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, and Ted G. Jelen (eds.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Oxford University Press, pp. 241-261.
- Also published in Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. [Link]
Other Publications
- Arikan, Gizem. 2022. Review of From Pews to Politics: Religious Sermons and Political Participation in Africa By Gwyneth H. McClendon and Rachel Beatty Riedl. Politics and Religion15(4): 853-855.